Be Alarmed! The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning this Winter


With winter weather upon us, it is always a good time to remind customers about the dangers and potential for harm from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Heating systems can be a source of CO poisoning but there are other culprits as well. Gas appliances, grills, cars running in enclosed spaces, and gas-powered generators can also emit the toxic, odorless, and colorless gas that is sometimes referred as “the silent killer.”

Many times, customers will place gas-powered generators in the garage so that they will not be stolen. The National Institute of Standards of Technology (NIST) state that “a single gas-powered generator is capable of creating more than 100 times more poisonous CO gas than a car’s exhaust.” More importantly, when a generator is positioned too close to a home or window, the toxic gas can easily enter the home resulting in illness or death.

Vigilante Security takes carbon monoxide (CO) detector alarms very seriously, both from a training perspective with our Operators and in the procedures that we follow when handling these signals.

If you’d like to secure your home with a carbon monoxide detector or have us inspect your current model, call us at (844) 698-4445 or visit our website at