COVID-19 Policy and Procedures

To our valued customers and friends,

As I write this message, I am reminded that each of you, like myself and my family are complying with the stay-at-home order imposed by our Governor. We are beginning to see the fruits of our labor; meaning the stay-at-home order is slowing down the number of newly reported cases.

I want to take a moment to inform you about our company’s actions, and how we are operating in this changed environment. The State of Michigan defines our operations as “Essential Business”. In short, we are available for any emergency service to support the safety and essential operations of your home or business as well as installation providing the conditions are safe for our customers as well as our employees. That means we will continue to service your existing security system in both your home and business. 

Our Central Station continues to monitor your alarm system. Our monitoring center is fully online and receiving alarm traffic from all customer sites. Since the stay-at-home order was implemented, our central station operators are working safely from home on secure data and telephone networks meeting all compliance requirements to maintain the integrity of operations. This is something our Vigilante Security team members have trained for over many years. We never anticipated the need to activate our disaster recovery protocol, however when the time arrived, we were ready.

A majority of our office staff are securely working from home, also with secure telephone and data networks to handle all your questions and calls.

Our technicians are supplied with gloves, masks, wipes and cleaning products to reduce the risk and spread of Coronavirus. We will not enter your home or business without your authorization or a pre-scheduled appointment. If you are sick or quarantined, we will not enter, and you must inform us. Together, we will make a joint decision on how to help you. We may remotely access your system for diagnostics and then we will suggest a plan of action.

If we are working on a new installation during the implementation of the stay-at-home order for you, please contact us to discuss options. Your safety and security mean everything to us. We will make every effort to complete any jobs that were started prior to the stay-at-home order. However, first and foremost we must provide a safe environment for you and our technicians. Once that has been established, we will complete any jobs, and begin new ones as they were initially scheduled.

Lastly, a personal request. If you see a first responder, health care worker, municipal worker, or any essential individual working, please take a moment to thank them. They are putting their lives at risk for our safety and well-being.

I hope that you and your family will continue to stay safe during this COVID-19 crisis, and I look forward to the day when we will all return to a normal lifestyle.

Ron Ross, President