Life According to The Jetsons: Technology That Exists Today

Many people are familiar with the popular television show The Jetsons, which aired from 1962-1963 and again from 1985-1987. The show took place roughly 100 years into the future and predicted advanced technology, such as flying cars, video chat and smart homes. What its creators had no way of knowing is that many of the “contraptions” portrayed in The Jetsons would exist (and become common) long before 2062.

So what exactly are some of these gizmos and gadgets? Below we outline a few.

Jetsons Predictions That Came True

Some technology predicted that not only came true, but came to fruition much earlier than anticipated, include:





Smart home automation

Smart watches

Video chat and conferencing.

If many of the devices on The Jetsons already exist, what could possibly come next?

What the Future Has in Store

As technology and innovation continue to grow and evolve so will consumers’ abilities to receive increased convenience and entertainment through their devices. Some predicted technology within the near future that could be widespread includes:

Driverless vehicles

Flying cars

Microchips in our brain that control devices

Computers with the processing power of humans

These technologies may not be as “far out” as they seem. As an example, Tesla and Google have already created cars with different levels of autonomy, and GM plans on deploying a driverless car fleet in 2019. In addition, companies like Uber are researching “vertical takeoff and landing” also known as VTOL. This type of service would allow consumers to get to where they need to go quicker, and potentially safer, by flying above traffic in passenger drones.

Other companies, such as PAL-V, are also working on developing services around flying cars by opening a school to teach people how to “drive” or, in this case, fly.

Security’s Role

Beyond enjoying these technologies, consumers will also need to be more cautious of the security implications of constant connectivity. One concern is hackers gaining access to all equipment at once through a single network. One way to protect yourself is to isolate Internet of Things (IoT) equipment on its own network. That way, if hackers access a certain device, they won’t retrieve all your home’s information. Also be sure to update default logins and passwords, and practice secure networking. Remember too, that as new equipment rolls out, security measures may evolve.

No matter how exciting technology may be, always remember security comes first. Before purchasing new equipment, ask yourself:

Is this technology compatible with others in my home?

How many devices will be communicating with each other at one time?

How often will equipment need to be updated or upgraded?

Will I run into issues with newer software not being compatible with older smart equipment?

Do my devices support password, passcode or thumbprint entry?

Am I educated on how this technology works and how to properly secure it?

Can I enable remote-wiping capabilities? Who is authorized with remote access to the equipment?

Work with a trusted partner to ensure your full technology stack is secure using the latest best practices. The right vendor will help you create a customized plan that balances convenience with security.