Thank Goodness for Thanksgiving Security Tips!

Before you’re stuffing your face and watching mass amounts of football this Thanksgiving season, be sure to consider some home safety tips if you plan on celebrating the season away from home. Keeping your property safe while you are away visiting family should be a priority before your trip.

Here is a list of three easy ways you can rest assured with peace of mind:

  1. Ask a neighbor to retrieve your mail. One of the main indicators a potential burglar has that no one’s home is a huge stack of mail busting out of a mailbox or several newspapers lying on your driveway. You can also have the post office hold your mail.
  2. Install light timers. A dark house is an empty house. Having timers installed in your home that will periodically turn on and off certain lights in your home will give the appearance that someone is home, which serves as an excellent deterrent from a thief seeking to break in. Z-Wave lighting can also be used to make your house look like someone is home.
  3. Get a house sitter. Have someone you trust stop by the house periodically to check on it. Even better, have them stay the night during your absence. Activity in and around the house is a great way to have your own holiday home security guard attend to your home’s safety.


These tips serve as cost-efficient ways to protect your home, but the best thing you can do to keep you and your family’s belongings safe during time away, is to install a professional home security system. It can have the police or fire department to your home in just minutes if an alarm is triggered. Most systems now have applications that can allow you to monitor your home directly from your smart phone.

For more information about which home security system is right for you, call Michigan’s security alarm experts at 800-589-7100